Information for Webmasters
This site was designed using XSitePro
This site was designed using XSitePro.
XSitePro makes life so easy for anyone who develops web sites - whether you are developing one or
multiple sites, whether you are a beginner or an expert, this software can help!
You can use the built in WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor to design and create your web
pages. Set a style for each panel of your site and edit each section independently. It's easy to get at
the HTML code if you want to (but there's no need if you prefer not to).
Navigation with links to each page can be easily generated automatically - add a new page and it
will go straight into your site map and navigation panel if you want it to. If you have multiple sites (and
believe me you'll want to when you see how easy it is with XSitePro), you can manage multiple projects easily
within the program.
To get you started, you are provided with an excellent tutorial to work through to help you build your first
site. Tutorial videos are also available for anyone who's purchased the software to help futher develop your
skills. There's excellent support, both from the people at XSitePro and from a forum of experienced and
friendly users. Best of all, you can try XSitePro for a whole year, and if you're not completely happy
with it, there's a full money-back guarantee.
I love using it and thoroughly recommend it.
This site is hosted by Hostgator

This site is hosted by Hostgator. I recommend Hostgator for web hosting
because they are excellent value for money. Hostgator are particularly good for anyone designing multiple
sites. Their shared hosting Baby Croc plan is ideal for anyone starting out as multiple domain names can be
added to your plan without incurring any extra charges.
Excellent support is provided, whether you are a beginner or expert, and Hostgator make it easy for you to
upgrade as your business expands.
Hostgator are quite simply the best value hosts I've come across.